Click to view her store:
I am a Power Selling Mom of two beautiful children, thirteen and ten, selling on Ebay since 2004When I first became a member of Ebay in 2004, I was a Buyer. I actually recall exactly what I was buying, a winter jacket for my son. It was exciting to bid at the last minute, especially with dial up!!! LOL !Then I started selling items on eBay, mostly used clothes, etc. About 2 1/5 years ago, I thought I would check out how art did on eBay, (since I am an artist). At first I was disappointed to see what low prices artists were getting for their work, until I discovered ACEOs.(That stands for Art Cards Editions and Originals)
Now, I know this sounds dramatic, but ACEOs changed my life!Before my children were born, I was a professional artist with a gallery and small art school. When my daughter was born I switched gears and put 110% into being a mom (La Leche league, attachment style parenting, baby wearing, you know) Then when my kiddos were older, I suddenly found myself very limited in the ability to make money. That actually brought me much anxiety because I did not want to become an out of the home working mom whose children came home to an empty house with an exhausted mom, but we were strapped for money!
I started painting these little miniatures, they began to sell, and before I knew it, I was working from home, doing what I love to do, AND bringing in the bucks!I am deeply grateful and feel incredibly blessed. I don't consider what I do work because I enjoy it so much.
The pressure is off my hubby because he is not carrying the entire burden as breadwinner, my children benefit from a happy mom. So, ACEOs really have changed my life.I have been married to my dear hubby for 20 years this August! I have two wonderful children and a horse who is my love and my therapy.
I also have three cats and a sweet mixed breed dog.
I was born in Oregon and grew up in Southern California, after I married a chef, moved fifteen times to seven different states! We have settled in the Berkshire Mountains for a while because its such a great place to raise our children.I have become very involved with a group called Art for Critters, a group of artists who donate a portion of their sales to animal charities.
I am really proud of this group and have personally donated nearly $1000.00 since I became a member. I recently organized a group auction for the Harp Seals and am thrilled with the response.Thanks to Danna's inspiration, I am finding more ways to market myself through out the internet, and am watching with great joy as my business continues to grow!
Thanks so very much,Melody Lea Lamb
Thanks bunches to this Awesome Powerselling Mom for being our Special "Mother's Day" May, Featured Power Seller!I purchased a Darling Magnet she painted and have it proudly displayed on my fridge! I encourage you all to browse through her store and enjoy her art! She has been blessed indeed with a Wonderful, Talented Gift! Such a pleasure to know her and enjoy her Art!
Keep up the Good work!You are "Mom Approved"!
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