ONE year ago TODAY my Dad passed away. Life seems so UN-Fair as he was only 61 years of age. BUT it was time for the Good Lord to bring him home. He is GREATLY missed by many. I am Praising God for the GREAT DAD I had. Lucky spoiled Brat, only child, with the MOST loving Dad a girl could ever have.
I miss you daddy! Keep the throne warm cause I will be with you again someday! Love Danna ........
~*~*~ God loved the world so much that He gave His one and only Son so that whoever believes in him may not be lost, but have eternal life. ~*~ John 3:16 ~*~
1 comment:
Hi, Danna ~ And here I was totally convinced that *I* was given to The Best Dad In The Universe! That makes us 'sisters' of sorts, but don't we also Know what a truly wonderful world this would.could be if only every gal could feel as we do about our dads?! They were indeed exlemplary people to make us feel about them as we did - and as you mentioned, tooo - so many other people thotught the same. I am sometimes consoled a bit by just knowing my dad is surely with Jesus now, and that all his pains and sorrows here on earth are gone now .... also I once again offer my prayers of Thanks for being so blessed as to have had him for awhile .... I'm So happy to know that Your daddy, too, was the apple of Your eye, Danna. xxoo I'm Sure he deserved you, too. Just wish they could all be like ours ... Thanks for sharing yoru thoughts and feelings -- your heart with me. May God bless you well.
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