eBay sellers Assistant

I do love to share what I know with others! It is very rewarding. Besides teaching eBay I also sell STUFF for other people. With the Tornado Delay I don't have much listed right now, But today I shipped off 26 packages. I have to get all my shipping done before I can get listing. I must have about 25 or so more to go yet! ~*~*~ TODAY I spoke with a local person that wants me to sell a motorcycle for them! I am excited about this offer cause she needs a reserve of $5,000.00 and I will get 10% of that!! Will see what happens, she said her and her husband will bring it by for me to take photos! ~*~*~ I did a list a NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC MAGAZINE today from 1917! It is so cool to look through, one page shows men's BVD's underpanties! LOL too funny some of the ads are. Besides the book being VERY interesting AND in GREAT Shape for its age! Will see what happens! ~*~*~ Blessings, Danna ~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Trust in the Lord with all thine heart ; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He SHALL direct thy paths. ~*~*~ Proverbs 3: 5-6 ~*~*~*~*~
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