Wednesday, March 30, 2005


Started sorting through my boxes of books. Have lots of Paperbacks and some of them are VERY RARE and HTF (hard to find) wanted to get them ALL sorted out. I looked each one up on Amazon and the ones that were not worth anything, I started filling a BOX. Once I have the box filled up I will take a picture and Box Lot it on eBay! Should have it filled tomorrow! I like selling on Amazon the BEST (if I had to pick) ! Only because it is so much easier! I do check the books on eBay and Amazon both, to compare selling prices. Then decide where to sell them. ~*~*~ Planning a Garage Sale next month. Will get rid of all the leftovers then. MOVE EM IN, MOVE EM OUT! I also like to say:: SELL A HEAP, SELL IT CHEAP! ((smiles)) ~*~*~ I found 2 MORE Soap Opera Magazines today! Yee-Haw! Hope they do as well as the Other one's I listed! ~*~*~ When I am going through STUFF and I find an item that I KNOW is a great seller, I like to shout out :: BINGO! All of my family knows what that means when they hear me say that! AND when they give me gifts, FIRST thing they say to me: I BETTER NOT SEE THAT ON EBAY! Or I will say: IT IS SO BEAUTIFUL, IT SHOULD SELL VERY WELL! ~*~*~*~ MAY is JUST around the corner too!! ((hint,hint)) ~*~*~*~ Lord knows I need my beauty sleep, SWEET DREAMS ~*~*~ <><~*~*~

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