Started sorting through my boxes of books. Have lots of
Paperbacks and some of them are
VERY RARE and HTF (hard to find) wanted to get them ALL sorted out. I looked each one up on Amazon and the ones that were not worth anything, I started filling a BOX. Once I have the box filled up I will take a picture and Box Lot it on eBay! Should have it filled tomorrow! I like selling on Amazon the BEST (if I had to pick) ! Only because it is so much easier! I do check the books on eBay and Amazon both, to compare selling prices. Then decide where to sell them. ~*~*~
Planning a Garage Sale next month. Will get rid of all the leftovers then. MOVE EM IN, MOVE EM OUT! I also like to say:: SELL A HEAP, SELL IT CHEAP! ((smiles)) ~*~*~ I found 2 MORE Soap Opera Magazines today! Yee-Haw! Hope they do as well as the Other one's I listed! ~*~*~ When I am going through STUFF and I find an item that I KNOW is a great seller, I like to shout out :: BINGO! All of my family knows what that means when they hear me say that! AND when they give me gifts, FIRST thing they say to me: I BETTER NOT SEE THAT ON EBAY! Or I will say: IT IS SO BEAUTIFUL, IT SHOULD SELL VERY WELL! ~*~*~*~ MAY is JUST around the corner too!! ((hint,hint)) ~*~*~*~ Lord knows I need my beauty sleep, SWEET DREAMS ~*~*~ <><~*~*~