Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
One million hotel rooms at amazing rate across Asia Pacific!
One million hotel rooms at amazing rate across Asia Pacific!
Travelers will be able to take advantage of savings when they book on-line between 27 - 30 October 2009. Over one million room nights will be on sale, with rates starting as low as US$30 per night. Stay period Dec 09 till Apr 10.
Saturday, July 04, 2009
Webinar Classes

This group is open to the world!
Meetings are held LIVE Online!
Face-to-Face meetings will be live online too!
Pull up a chair and enjoy this virtual learning experience direct from your computer monitor.
I will be hosting live webinars, teleseminars, chats and radio shows!
If you would like to be a guest speaker, please contact me at:
A wide selection of topics will be discussed. Ranging from: Social networking, blogging, eBay buying and selling,affiliate marketing,events and much more.
Including different avenues of exploring in detail to name a few:
* Twitter
* Facebook
* MySpace
* Wordpress
* Blog Spots
* Google
* eBay
* Podcasts
And lots more!
Hope to see YOU IN CLASS!!!!
Monday, June 15, 2009
The Man Behind the Spiral Design
Dan had a dream, a vision which all started like this:
"I was sitting in the living room alone. On a wall there were three long shelves filled with trophies, one trophy in particular caught my eye, it was a single spiral with a cup on it The trophy was made of plastic. In my mind's eye I could see the single spiral made of wood. My mind went into deep thought. Mentally I tried to design a way the spiral could be made of wood. A thought finally came to my mind as I had a vision of a beautiful, spiral lamp."
Read more at:
At the young age of 75 his dream is now becoming a reality!
His beautiful spiral design has been created into an elegant Coffee Table:

The class top can be custom ordered with different designs available:
You can contact Daniel direct with questions at:
Follow Him on Twitter @My4Spiral

Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Be Careful what you re-Tweet
For those that do not know what RT means:
RT = Re-Tweet.
And it is a nice thing to do when you see a tweet come through your network that you love and/or appreciate. You can copy the words and put RT in front of their name and re-tweet it!
For example, if someone sent out a tweet reading:
A gal I follow:
Just tweeted: @ModelSupplies You can go a month without food, you can live three days without water, but you can't go more then sixty seconds without HOPE. -Sean SwarnerI like what she posted so I would copy what she posted: You can go a month without food, you can live three days without water, but you can't go more then sixty seconds without HOPE. -Sean Swarner
And then I would click on the ARROW to reply to her, then I would paste what she said after her name. So it would now look like this:
@ModelSupplies You can go a month without food, you can live three days without water, but you can't go more then sixty seconds without HOPE. -Sean Swarner
THEN I would add RT in front of the @ Before her name. The KEY to this is to make sure you have a SPACE or her name will not be a HOT LINK. So, it would now read:
RT @ModelSupplies You can go a month without food, you can live three days without water, but you can't go more then sixty seconds without HOPE. -Sean Swarner
NOW, we have a problem with this tweet.
When I re-Tweet it she has a long name so, it has put it over the 140 limit by 12. Twitter alert is telling me -12.
I have a few options, I can try to shorten it to something like this:
RT @ModelSupplies Ucan go a month without food U can live three days without water but Ucan't go more then 60 sec without HOPE -Sean Swarner
The saying now fits with 0 space left! Notice I changed the word YOU to U and I removed commas, changed sixty to 60 and shortened seconds.
The only bad thing about this is it will be difficult for someone else to RT it.
Keep this in mind when you are sending out short sayings. Keep them as short as possible so that your friends can RT them easily. Keep a space before the @ AND at the end add a period and/or an additional space. Especially when you RT links.
Make double sure there is a SPACE after the link or it will not be HOT.
I hope that helps understand a bit better about Re-tweeting!
Something else I must tell you about, today I had re-tweeted a nasty radio show and I felt terrible after I did it.
One of my friends tweeted about a current Radio show that was on the air at Blog Talk Radio so, nice person that I am decided to help them out with the promotion and RT a few of their posts. Suddenly I decided to tune into one of those shows and soon found out it contained nasty, vulgar wording in the music!
I felt so bad that I had actually sent that tweet out to my followers.
How very stupid of me!
Beware of what you RT.
Good rule of thumb is to check out the link before you re-tweet it because it will indeed reflect onto you and the results will be followers lost.
My sincerest apology to all those that may of heard that show.
I will pay more attention to what I re-tweet in the future.
Much respect,
Danna Crawford
CEO/Founder PowerSellingMom, Inc.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
I've Saved 7 months, 3 days, 20 hours of my Life Today
I woke up one morning only to have my prayers answered.
I did not smoke anymore!
After smoking from age 16 to age 40 something, it was a true miracle I quit!
I prayed many nights before bed, "Please Lord, let me wake up in the morning and not smoke!" And it finally happened! Cold turkey I knew that I knew it was time and it was "his"time not mine! I quit with no problems and have not smoked since!
I also joined this website: and it has been a rewarding influence to get their notices of how much longer I will live because of not smoking!
**cheers** to a healthy, smoke free life!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
I got the BEET
I've never cooked fresh beets before so last night while on Twitter I had some great input from a few of my followers:
markdavidgerson@PowerSellingMom I just steam 'em. They're so tasty, they don't need much else!
believesulli@PowerSellingMom I just boil them,or steam them,cut them in smaller pieces when they are fork tender.They're the best!Just don't wear white.
christinajade@PowerSellingMom this is good, tried it couple wks ago!
markdavidgerson@PowerSellingMom just peel and slice them first or it will take forever!
christinajade@PowerSellingMom thank you! very very yummy stuff! :) let me know what you think!
LeahCarson@PowerSellingMom Shredded beets+shredded carrots + touch of preferred sweetner + dash of ground cloves = great side dish
I will post later with photos of what I decided to make. But since I have sweet potatoes she also brought me I think I will go with the suggestion from christinajade.
Appreciated markdavidgerson letting me know about slicing them thin. I bet it would take forever to cook them.
Had to laugh at believesulli about wearing white!!! lol
Also appreciated LeahCarson with the shredded suggestion. I may have to try that one next time!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
How to Find Wholesale Products
Finding wholesale products can be challenging.
I've made it easier for people to find items.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Adding kindness to a busy schedule can give you peace
read more | digg story
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Friday, January 23, 2009
Green Shipping Rocks
I will give free advertising to those shipping green!
In all the years I've been selling on eBay the only item I've bought is TAPE!
I've been able to ship green all these years.
When I first started it mainly was because I was a Single mom on a budget!
And as a Girl Scout leader, I did appreciate the importance of not wasting and recycling.
Since then, I've write: Green Shipping ROCKS on all my packages!
People are loving it actually!!
Sunday, January 04, 2009
The Basics of Selling on eBay: January 2009
The Basics of Selling on eBay
January 24th, 9 - 4:00 PM in Jacksonville FL at:
University of North Florida
Contact: Valerie Murphy to sign up:
And in Ocala FL at:
Central Florida Community College
January 30th
9-4:00 pm
sign up at:
Course Overview
- Register on eBay
- Learn more about & what is PayPal
- Privacy and security
- How to research items on eBay
- Pricing, bidding and buying
- eBay listing and selling
- Shipping and handling
- eBay stores basics
- Buy It Now (fixed) and auction formats
- Giving and receiving eBay feedback
- Collecting your money and more!
View my Profile
If you prefer a private class, contact me at: